Client Plug: 124 GB in Free Online Storage

We’re doing a bunch of ongoing marketing work for PutPlace, an Irish startup run by a former boss o’ mine. We wrote and project managed the design of their new website, which Catalyst Internet built.

Anyhow, we recently wrote a blog post designed to get a little Intarwebs attention. It’s a big list of over 40 online storage websites. It shows how much free space you can get from each service:

In the process of our research, we compiled a big spreadsheet that records, among other things, how much free storage space each service offers. We thought we’d share it with the world, in case you needed to store, like, every episode of The Simpsons online.

It looks like ADrive offers the most–50 GB of free space.

If you’re looking for spots to put stuff online, this is a good place to start. If it appeals, please feel free to StumbleUpon, Digg, Redditize or otherwise vote in favour of the post.

1 comment

  1. 6/2/09

    I am interested to try your free online storage and backup.

    I want to share the space in friends. Each one will have his own code and his own file and Ι will have the possibility with a mastercode to have access to open all files.

    I would like also to have only I the possibility of erasing or of locking files when this is required.


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