About Me

My name is Darren Barefoot. I’m a digital strategist, writer, technologist and marketer, raised in Vancouver, Canada. I’ve been immersed in the web since I built my first website in 1999. I started my career working as a technical writer for software companies, but shifted gears to doing digital marketing work. Since 2003, I’ve been a partner at Capulet Communications, the company I co-founded. These days at Capulet we mostly do digital strategy work, helping organizations like Mountain Equipment Co-op, Mobify, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Ecojustice and Global Zero get better at communicating on the web.

Here are some personal and professional accomplishments that I’m proud of:

If all else fails, you can also google me.

In the Media

On occasion, I’m approached by the media to talk about projects I’m working on, web marketing and digital strategy. Here’s a sampling of that coverage dating back to 2004:

About This Site

I started DarrenBarefoot.com back in 2000, mostly as a place to host my resume and writing samples. Since then, it has evolved through two redesigns (it originally looked like this, and more recently like this). In 2002, I added a blog to the front page and that’s become the site’s main purpose. I’ve written almost 6000 blog posts for over nine million visitors.

The current version of this site was built by Tzaddi Gordon, with help from Christine Rondeau and sixty4media. The photo of me in the header was taking by Scott Beale of Laughing Squid. A previous version of this site was designed by vanderWoning.

This is my Google authorship link.